Monday, October 27, 2008

The National Republican Trust PAC Hits Obama On Jeremiah Wright

An issue that Barack Obama himself admitted was a "legitimate political issue" is also an issue the John McCain campaign has not taken advantage of.

"I think that people were legitimately offended by some of the comments that he had made in the past," he said. "The fact that he's my former pastor I think makes it a legitimate political issue."

That issue is Jeremiah Wright, Former pastor to Barack Obama, whom Obama called "like family" and a man that has spewed some of the most vile, anti-American, racist hatred, from his pulpit, while Barack Obama sat there for over 16 years, listening.

After the videos of Wright spewing his "God Damn America" remarks, went viral online and was seen from coast to coast on television, Barack Obama denounced the words, but refused to denounce the man and it wasn't until Wright made the rounds with interviews and publicly said Barack Obama was only denouncing Wright's rhetoric because of "political expediency", that Obama finally distanced himself from Jeremiah Wright himself and shortly after Obama resigned his membership from the Trinity Church.

Originally Obama denied having heard Wright's controversial remarks, then he later made a speech where he finally admitted he did.

Now that we are caught up, we see that finally, someone is bringing Wright into the campaign.

The National Republican Trust PAC is spending $2.5 million on an ad campaign, (video below) to be aired in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida which hits on Barack Obama's close admitted relationship with Jeremiah Wright..


Text of AD:

For 20 years Barack Obama followed a preacher of hate and said nothing is Wright raged against our country.

[Clip of Rev. Wright:] "Not God Bless America, God Damn America . . . US of KKKA!"

[Quote of Obama appears on screen:] "I don’t think my church is particularly controversial."

He built his power base in Wright's church.

Wright was his mentor, adviser and close friend.

For 20 years Obama never complained until he ran for President.

Barack Obama. Too radical. Too risky.

[Update]A reminder of Jeremiah Wright's type of rhetoric that Obama sat and listened to all those years in the video below:
