Monday, June 16, 2008

Iowans Helping Each Other and Others Helping Them

As the floods devastate Iowa, a fellow blogger who was invaluable to me when I was starting and then again when learning how to generate revenue from this blog, Brian, from Liberty Pundit Blog, is now in the midst of his own problems.

His state is being devastated by flooding, he has been helping people pack up there stuff, bringing them into his own home since his home isn't in danger yet and his workplace is closed until further notice.

At around 8 am this morning, a dam holding back a somewhat large creek near where I work let go and now the place is surrounded by several feet of water. Within a few hours, it will be totally swamped and, temporarily, out of business. Which means, basically, that I’m out of a job until the water goes back down and they clean/fix the place back up.

Since I have no idea how long that’s going to be (could be days, weeks, or even a month or two), I’m putting out the call for some fundraising help. Not just for me, but also because I took in some friends whose houses are either underwater or about to be.

He has been updating on the situation of the good people in Iowa, providing some details from a residents view and has some video head on over, take a look and do whatever you can to help.

Go. Read. Watch. Help.

It is in a time of need that people come together for others they have never met. I saw it in Florida, where I lived at the time that Hurricane Andrew hit. I saw it in Jackson Tennessee, when tornadoes ripped through my town and destroyed it and I am watching from afar as the people in Iowa step up to the plate and help one another.

Disaster is horrible but it also provides us a glimpse into the nature of man and how they can rise above and lend a hand to fellow human beings for no other reason that it is the right thing to do.

Our thoughts are with you Brian and everyone in Iowa.
