Thursday, April 24, 2008

North Koreans Taped Inside Syrian Reactor

Back in early September, Israel has struck a facility in Syria and for weeks, speculation ran rampant about what the target was.

As information trickled into newsrooms, we found out that there had been a limited ground operation conducted by Israel, into Syria, to confirm the information they had about Syria and North Korea were collaborating on a nuclear program.

They confirmed it, then they struck the facility.

Which leads us to today's news that the intelligence committees in congress is going to get to see a video taken in that facility in Syria, which will allegedly show North Korean involvement.

The officials said the video of the remote site, code-named Al Kibar by the Syrians, shows North Koreans inside. It played a pivotal role in Israel's decision to bomb the facility late at night last Sept. 6, a move that was publicly denounced by Damascus but not by Washington.

According to one American official, the Telegraph reports, the video evidence is "very damning".

Reports said that the video showing North Koreans inside the Syrian reactor would demonstrate that Yongbyon was the model for al-Kibar, including an “identical” configuration and the same number of holes for fuel rods.

This information comes as the US is negotiating with North Korea about their own nuclear intentions and while Washington and Pyongyang are haggling over a missing portion of plutonium in the North Korean stockpile.

For some this soon to be seen video comes at a bad time which will make negotiations with North Korea even more tense, but to others, it is better to know before making a deal that would grant North Korea energy subsidies, plus major diplomatic and security benefits in return for dismantling its nuclear program, if they have no intention of honoring such a deal.

America has been bitten by that particular snake before in October of 1994.

Bill Clinton's negotiations with North Korea represented a "decade of delusion." Evidence that North Korea was violating the nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty surfaced within weeks of Clinton's first inauguration. After a year of inaction allowed Pyongyang to create at least one nuclear weapon, the emboldened Stalinists announced their formal withdrawal from the treaty. It seemed North Korean officials were angling for a payoff. They must have realized they struck the jackpot when Clinton named tough-as-nails Jimmy Carter as his principal negotiator.

Under the final terms of the Agreed Framework approved in October of 1994, Clinton agreed to provide the "Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea" (DPRK) with two light water nuclear reactors and a massive allotment of oil. The U.S. agreed to ship 500,000 metric tons of oil annually in response to the North's pretense that the energy-starved backwater had developed the nuclear facility to generate power. These shipments have cost taxpayers more than $800 million to date - a bargain compared with the $6 billion spent on constructing the nuclear reactors, which now empower North Korea to produce 100 nuclear bombs each year.

All these measures failed to quell the North's atom-lust.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
