Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Bumped: Voting Started in New Hampshire Primary at Midnight

9:50 PM CST 75% of precincts reporting in, with Clinton 39%, Obama 36%. FOXNews projects Clinton winning New Hampshire, Obama makes concession speech. McCain 37%, Romney 32%.

9:36 pm CST
- 67% of precincts reporting in with Clinton 39%, Obama 36%. Associated Press projects Clinton winning New Hampshire. McCain 37%, Romney 32%.

7:48 pm AZ-
51% of precincts have reported and Hillary 39% and Obama has 37% and McCain has a 37% and Romney 31% .

7pm AZ time, Clinton is ahead of Obama by 2 point with 28% of the pricincts reporting and McCain is ahead of Romney by 3 points with 28% reporting.

[Update] When the final results are in, they will all be listed here, town by town. (That link is showing the Democratic numbers, I am trying to find the GOP figures page)

[Updates on top] While we are waiting for further numbers to come out, lets look at some of the reports already in the news.

Officials reporting an "absolutely huge" turnout in NH. Dartmouth students walk out on Bill Clinton.

Bill also blames the media Obama "fairy tale". Edwards supporter refuses to shake Hillary's hand.

Huffington Post has the latest polls.

Hillary's losses seem to be fracturing her supporters and her money situation is, indeed, not looking good.

Clinton associates have begun lobbying for her early exit if she loses the primary by a big margin, as polls suggest she could. Several Senate colleagues who have sat on the fence are now in talks with Obama advisers about endorsing the freshman Illinois senator over his more experienced colleague.

Tom Edsall speculates that Hillary Clinton may just give up on Nevada and South Carolina to reserve her resources. [End of 1st Update]

If the first areas voting are indicative of the whole of new Hampshire, McCain and Obama have a good headstart as the early votes are tallied.

Dixville Notch and Hart's Location opened at midnight and the voters filed in to make their preferences known on who should represent the Democratic and Republican parties in the November 2008 general election. State law in New Hamshire allows towns with less than 100 residents to begin voting at midnight.

Voting ends in New Hamshire at 8 pm, local time tonight.

In Dixville Notch for the GOP:

McCain- 4
Romney- 2
Giuliani- 1

For the Dems:

Obama - 7
Edwards- 2
Richardson- 1

According to CNN, the latest polls before voting began both had McCain and Obama in the lead for their party.

Hart's Location for the GOP:

McCain- 6
Huckabee- 5
Paul-4 Romney- 1

The Dems:

Obama- 9
Clinton- 3
Edwards- 1

The Union Leader reports that there is a large turnout this morning, with long lines formed as they the polls opened at 6am, and at one location, t. Pius X on Candia Road, election officials said they expected 150 people to vote each hour but 300 people each hour were casting ballots. By 8 a.m., 602 people had voted. About 70 new voters were registered.

More as the numbers come in, so stay tuned...
