Thursday, January 10, 2008

BlogBurst for Fred Thompson

Well folks, it is down to the wire and we have to decide what kind of candidate we want running in the 2008 Presidential election.

I have made no secret of the fact that I am behind Fred Thompson, win lose or draw, so, once again I am participating in a blogburst for Fred Thompson, set up by Rick Moran from The RightWing NutHouse.

Rick's words:

Fred Thompson’s campaign is once again at a critical juncture and again I am showing my support for the candidate of my choice by organizing a Blogburst in hopes that we can raise the funds necessary for Fred’s campaign to be competitive.

This time, it’s South Carolina where Fred is staking all in hopes of a breakthrough victory. A clinical analysis of the GOP race for President shows that it is still anyone’s ballgame. Rasmussen’s most recent 4 day rolling average has Fred in 4th at 12%, ahead of Giuliani and just 9 points out of the lead held by Mike Huckabee at 22%.

But Thompson desperately needs to win in South Carolina in order to continue to be a viable candidate. And there are several factors at play in the Palmetto State that makes a Thompson win a realistic goal:

1. Romney has dropped out of the running in SC, having pulled his ads and is transferring staff in order to ambush John McCain in Michigan.

2. That leaves only three candidates with a realistic shot at winning in SC; Huckabee, McCain, and Thompson. Amazingly, none of the three candidates will have an overwhelming advantage when it comes to financing. This levels the playing field considerably.

3. SC voters have made it clear that opposition to illegal immigration is one of the top issues in the state. Looking at the three candidates above, who do you think has the most consistent, conservative record on immigration?

4. Outside factors may play a role in the dynamics of the race. McCain may very well be grievously wounded by a Romney win in Michigan – a state he won in 2000. There would be little time for McCain to right himself following a loss there what with the SC primary 4 days later.

In short, a Thompson win in SC is not only possible but within reach – if Fred has the money for media buys to get his message to the people.

I realize that many bloggers who support Fred have been hitting their readers hard for donations recently – especially since Fred’s campaign has set as a goal raising $540,000 by tomorrow in order to finance his ad campaign. As of Thursday morning, the effort has realized $420,000 towards that goal.

My hope is that once again, speaking with one voice and calling on our readers to dig deep, we can duplicate our success from December’s blogburst, putting Fred way over the top and give the campaign a rocket powered boost into South Carolina and beyond.

We’ve done it before and we can do it again. If you’re a blogger, please participate in this Blogburst for Fred by asking your readers to donate. If you haven’t already, join Jim Lynch’s The Marblehead Regiment and add your blog to his blogroll.

Man the oars and start pulling for Fred. The hour is late and the need is great. Time to pony up if we want to see a true conservative in the White House next November.

With that said, I have made my donation and I am asking readers,if they support Fred Thompson, if they want to see the one candidate that has consistently stayed on topic, avoided the attack game and holds the same values as most of us, high on their list.... donate.

Lets help them once again, reach the goals they have set out to achieve.
