February 27, 2025
'They' Want To MURDER Your Cats . . . And They’re Attempting To Make A Case For It Using 'Scientists' And 'Journalists' To Scare You Into Allowing Them To Do So
They have already murdered MILLIONS of bees for a virus in Australia. This practice has drastically impacted the farming communities. Australia honey bees put in lockdown due to deadly varroa parasite and It Started Killing All the Bees in Australia… A Year Later, the Truth Was Shocking!
They have already murdered over 148 MILLION birds in the United States. As we have seen, this has impacted the cost of both chickens AND eggs: As bird flu ravages poultry industry, the damage spreads. “For two and a half years, a deadly strain of avian influenza often referred to as H5N1 (aka bird flu) has been ravaging poultry farms.”5
Now they are saying CATS can give you Avian Influenza A(H5N1) virus (aka bird flu). Some of NYC’s 500K stray cats could be infected with bird flu — possibly threatening humans: activists.
And the latest news? The USDA has found bird flu in FOUR rats in Riverside County, CA which has had “two recent poultry outbreaks”. BUT it’s now NOT just chickens, milk, cats, & rats! Bird flu has also been “found” in a Massachusetts harbor seal, a North Dakota fox, a Washington State bobcat, and another Oregon domestic cat (this one most likely from the contaminated raw pet food). USDA Confirms Bird Flu In Rats
Brief history of cats and their relationship with people
A few animals have managed to enter our hearts and homes. One of those few animals is cats. Greg Beyer, BA History & Linguistics tells us in his work Let's look at the history of cats in human civilization that cats have been our companions for millennia. About 9500 years ago, in Cyprus, historians thought cats first interacted in human settlements because of the abundance of food (rats, mice, birds). The earliest known domestication of cats was recorded in China about 5500 years ago. Egypt, around this same time, deified them by making them the representation of their goddess Bastet and associated them with fertility, justice, & power.
Egyptian image from The Met |
Greece featured cats on at least 2 coins around 2500 years ago.
Greek coin with lion image from CoinTalk |
To the Romans, cats represented FREEDOM and were the only animals allowed inside religious buildings.
Floor mosaic House of the Faun, Pompeii Cat with Bird from The Cat in Ancient Rome |
Around 8,000 years after Cypress, religions attempted to portray cats as evil, designating them the instruments of witches and devils. Some religious adherents knew the good cats did but did not speak out against the rhetoric being pushed by their religion.
Scandinavians had cats on their boats & in their longhouses and they thought cats brought luck. Unfortunately for the cats, some were “farmed” for the trading value of their pelts; although history claims that Vikings waited until their pets were at the end of life before euthanizing them and then taking their pelt. Viking Cats: The Preferred Pets of the Northmen
Image of Viking boat cat carving from r/MedievalCats |
Muslims still have a great respect for cats because Mohammed liked them. Mohammed’s favorite cat was a tabby called Muezza. Muslim legend says “tabby cats have an ‘M’ for Mohammed on top of their heads because Mohammad would often rest his hand on the cat’s head” according to FACTSQUIRREL.
It was not until the 1750-1850 time frame that the rest of the world started keeping cats as pets (Asia, Europe, and parts of North Africa most notably). Prior to that time, cats were seen as “working animals” used to keep the rodent & bird populations down on farms, fishing wharves, granaries, etc.
Of course, when one has animals as pets, the competitive spirit gets involved and the competitions began with the first known “pet cat” show held in 1871 by Harrison Weir.
In this same timeframe, Louis Wain started depicting cats in comical ways in his artwork. Learn about Louis in the movie The Electrical Life of Louis Wain currently available for viewing for free at TinyZone.
Image from the movie The Electrical Life of Louis Wain |
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How many cats are there around the world?
Statista says 38% of US households own a pet cat. In 2024, the American Veterinary Medical Association stats show those numbers have declined to 32.1% for cats. A look at the World Population Review Cat Population by Country 2024 shows us the US has the most cats with about 74 million followed closely by China then Russia.
Historical benefits of cats
In general cats were used for vermin control (rodents & birds) to protect food supplies at least as early as ancient Egypt and perhaps as far back as Cypress. Cats were considered to be great hunters as they also hunted poisonous snakes which had been considered evil in the past. By hunting and killing snakes, cats gained a reputation of being protectors. In addition, Roman legions kept cats because rats liked to chew on the leather equipment. Cats also provide companionship with comfort and emotional support (when they’re not clawing or biting you). And many ships kept cats on board to control vermin. Cats are still kept in agricultural settings to protect from vermin. Cats have proven themselves over the millennium to be necessary in vermin control and companionship still today. Did cats ever have any practical use in history, like dogs did?
Governmental Agency Reports of Cats Contracting Bird Flu
The WHO, on 16 July 2023 is the first governmental organization to report cats with bird flu when Poland reported to them that on 27 June 2023 46 cats and 1 caracal were tested and 29 were found to be positive for bird flu, 14 were euthanized, and 11 more died by June 30, 2023. The source of the cats’ exposure is still being investigated.
The U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) did not start propaganda about cats getting bird flu until Apr 29, 2024 (9 months later) when they posted an article about the WHO sending out an alert about Polish cats being infected with bird flu. On January 7, 2025, the CDC posted an article about bird flu spreading to other animals that eat (presumably infected) birds or poultry. They go on to list “seals, bears, foxes, skunks, farmed mink, cats, dogs, tigers, and leopards” as animals that can POSSIBLY become infected with bird flu. They identify outbreaks in other countries “2004 Thailand; 2006 Germany; 2023 Poland; 2023 South Korea; 2023 Alaska”. They state that “avian influenza viruses have spread from mammals to people; examples include cats in 2016 and from cows in 2024” but list no corroborating evidence for this statement. They conclude by suggesting people who eat POTENTIALLY “infected birds” monitor themselves for the following symptoms for 10 days after “exposure” to the POTENTIAL contaminant:
Fever (Temperature of 100°F [37.8°C] or greater) or feeling feverish/chills*
Sore throat
Difficulty breathing/Shortness of breath
Conjunctivitis (eye tearing, redness, irritation, or discharge from eye)
Runny or stuffy nose
Muscle or body aches
*Fever may not always be present
The next government agency to pick up on the bird flu in cats story was the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, but not until Dec 24, 2024 (7 months after the CDC’s initial posting). They were actually responding to the voluntary recall of Northwest Naturals Brand 2lb Feline Turkey Recipe Raw & Frozen Pet Food linked to the death of 2 cats in Oregon from bird flu. However, they, too state “There is currently no evidence of person to person spread of this virus”. They add the following 2 symptoms to the CDC’s list:
· Vomiting
· Fatigue
And they tell you what symptoms to look for in your cats that might indicate they have bird flu:
Loss of appetite
Respiratory and/or neurological signs
Scholarly Review of bird flu in cats
In a 2024 article investigating the deaths of 10 cats in rural South Dakota, the authors found that the bird flu has mutated enough to infect a variety of species including both “domestic and wild carnivores” like cats, foxes, bears, and seals. The authors could not identify a clear source of infection for the 10 cats although sequencing the virus showed all were infected by genetically similar viruses. They suggest the cats were infected by eating wild birds that had been exposed to infected cows. They go on to state:
Cats, common companion animals that frequently interact with humans and other species, could serve as a bridge for cross-species transmission of H5N1 viruses. Infected cats develop systemic infections and shed the virus through both respiratory and digestive tracts, potentially creating multiple routes of exposure to humans.22
A July 17, 2024 University of Maryland review of scientific literature by Kimbra Cutlip suggests “domestic cats can contract the rapidly evolving bird flu H5N1, potentially putting owners, veterinarians and others at risk if the virus continues to circulate unabated”. The study, available in preliminary form on MedRxiv [awaiting peer review], examines the spread of bird flu in cats from 2004 to 2024. The review found that in 2023 there was in increase in reports of domestic cat infection when compared to wild or zoo animal reporting. The review found:
Beginning in Texas this April, dairy cattle in 12 states have contracted bird flu, as have three people who worked with infected cows in Texas and Michigan. Along with the infected workers in Texas, two farm cats fed unpasteurized milk also caught the illness. . . . Since the emergence of H5N1 in U.S. dairy cattle, 21 domestic cats have been reported to be infected. . . . both zookeepers and animal shelter workers have contracted bird flu from cats in their care. Although not the current H5N1 strain, these cases reveal cats as potential vectors for the disease in humans.
IN THE NEWS, a Summary
As I reviewed over 20 articles from various news sources (see bibliography) for the time period of Apr 2024 to Jan 2025, I noticed the authors were gleaning their information from WHO, CDC, California Los Angeles County Dept of Public Health, or the University of Maryland 2024 review by Kimbra Cutlip and then put their own “spin” on the information addressed in these publications.
Out of over 330 MILLION people in the US, ONLY about 70 people have been officially diagnosed as having had bird flu. Of those, ONLY ONE19 has died (but we know from the covid debacle, that what goes on the death certificate can be politically motivated). That means that ONE out of approximately 330,000,000 people died from bird flu. And approximately 1 person out of almost 5 MILLION will contract bird flu. Let’s compare that to your chance of getting the seasonal flu. According to WebMD 5% to 20% of the population will get the flu (5% is 1 in 66,000,000 to 20% which is 1 in 16,500,000). Of these, 100,000 to 700,000 will be hospitalized, and 12,000-51,000 people will die from flu each year.
They are STILL using the PCR test to “diagnose” bird flu. The CDC discontinued the PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 as of December 31, 2021 calling it unreliable, recommending labs use one of the “many FDA-authorized alternatives”. Yet they use this test to diagnose bird flu?
There is plenty of “fear mongering” being presented within these articles:
“Now the virus is being found in indoor pet cats”5,7,11; “two of the infected cats were indoor animals”5,7; “indoor only cats with no direct exposures to the virus”4,7; “pet owners should still take precautions to protect their cats and themselves”2; ”avoid feeding their pets raw milk or raw meat which both could potentially transmit the virus”6 .
Beware, they will probably suggest masking to “protect your cat”:
“Sick animals may be able to transmit H5N1 bird flu virus to people in their saliva, feces, or other body fluids. Human infections can occur when the virus is inhaled or gets into a person's eyes, nose, or mouth. This can happen when virus is in the air (in droplets or dust) and a person breathes it in, or when a person touches something that has virus on it and then touches their mouth, eyes, or nose.”12
A common concern addressed by these authors is whether or not their cat can get infected and if so, is it contagious for other animals or humans?
“Infections with H5N1 influenza in cats are rare” 1 ; “Although H5N1 infections in cats can be severe, social media claims of “100% mortality” are overblown”1; “We don’t know whether H5N1 infected cats can be infectious to others”1; “there is no evidence of cat-to cat-transmission”3,15; “Other small mammal pets, especially ferrets or mink, can also get this bird flu.”7; Michigan health officials think people working in places that may carry the virus may be bringing the virus home with them on their clothing or shoes8; Wild Felid Center of Washington states “outbreak [killing 20 big cats] may have been caused by respiratory secretions passed from infected birds to the cats or by contaminated meat fed to the cats. It said bird flu poses a serious risk to felines, often progressing from mild symptoms to fatal pneumonia within 24 hours .”18
How can you protect your cat?
“If possible, keep your cat inside, as it minimizes any risk of exposure to infected wild birds (which are still the main source of H5N1 influenza). That’s not always possible though . . . Removing bird feeders from yards” 1; “Don’t let them wander freely in the outdoors”19; be aware of possible symptoms to include “neurological signs (e.g., paralysis, seizures)”3; “might experience loss of appetite, lethargy and fever . . . difficulty breathing or have tremors or seizures “19; “avoid feeding their pets raw milk or raw meat” 6,19; If you feed your pet Northwest Naturals’ 2-pound Feline Turkey Recipe pet food know that “best by” dates of May 21 and June 23, 2026 have been recalled. “sold in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Wisconsin, as well as Canada’s British Columbia”10,14,15,16,17; “Cats and dogs can catch bird flu from eating undercooked or raw meat, sick or dead infected birds or drinking unpasteurized milk, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association.”14,17
Is there a bird flu vaccine for cats? No, there is not currently a vaccine for H5N1 bird flu in cats.”13 Will there be calls for a “vaccine” for bird flu for cats? Most likely, as we know mRNA Gene Therapy is the “vaccine” of choice these days and with over 70% of HUMANS having agreed to taking the jab, I am sure they will demand a jab for their pets.
Loss & Marra (2017) article Population impacts of free-ranging domestic cats on mainland vertebrates tells us that
. . . cats are responsible for the extinction of 63 animals and threaten many more. In addition, they claim cats are carriers & transmitters of “zoonotic diseases” and they recommend reducing the “potential” of destruction by cats by reducing and/or ERADICATING [aka euthanizing] THE CAT POPULATION
2024-04-05 H5N1 Avian Flu in Cats: What Do We Know So Far? By Scott Weese
2024-06-14 Researcher Warns Pet Cats Risk Getting Bird Flu and Possibly Infecting People - 20-year Review of Bird Flu in Felines Suggests Urgent Need for Domestic Cat Surveillance School of Public Health University of Maryland
2023-07 Q&A Avian influenza in cats
2024-08-09 Influenza A (Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1) in domestic cats CVMA news
2024-08-16 6 cats in Colorado are diagnosed with avian influenza By Abi Bautista-Alejandre, Assistant Editor
2024-08-19 Bird Flu Is Infecting Pet Cats. Here’s What You Need to Know - As bird flu spreads in cats, cows and other animals, it has more opportunity to adapt to easily infect humans By Meghan Bartels edited by Tanya Lewis SCI AM
Aug 20, 2024 Bird flu now infecting domestic cats across US by: Devan Markham
2024-08-21 ‘A drastic uptick’: Bird flu is infecting domestic cats in multiple states By Jordan Gartner
2024-10-10 Can furry pets get H5N1 bird flu and spread it to us? - The pandemic-style bird flu has shown up in cats and other pet species By Tina Hesman Saey, Erin Garcia de Jesús and Janet Raloff ScienceNewsExplores Animals
2024-11-05 Bird Flu Cases May be Spreading From Cat Owners to Their Pets Tom Howarth Science Reporter (Nature) Newsweek
2024-12-16 Cats can get sick with bird flu. Here's how to protect them - The death of an Oregon house cat from bird flu and a pet food recall are raising questions about how people can protect their pets By CARLA K. JOHNSON AP medical writer ABC News
2024-12-19 Two California house cats die from bird flu as three more appear to be infected - Los Angeles health officials investigate new cases after felines who had consumed raw milk found with H5 virus Edward Helmore The Guardian
2024-12-23 Bird Flu in Cats Anne Kimmerlein, DVM, MPVM, DACVPM VCA Animal Hospitals
2024-12-25 Voluntary pet food recall issued after Oregon house cat dies from eating product that tested positive for bird flu By Ashley R. Williams, CNN
2024-12-25 Oregon house cat died after eating pet food that tested positive for bird flu AP U.S.News
2024-12-26 Death of Two House Cats in Goleta Confirmed to Be Bird Flu - Santa Barbara County Public Health Warns to Not Feed Raw Milk or Meats By Jean Yamamura
2024-12-26 Pet food recall issued after Oregon house cat dies from eating product that tested positive for bird flu Ashley R. Williams, CNN
Undated, retrieved 2024-12-29 Avian influenza A (H5N1) in cats American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)
2024-12-26 Bird flu has killed 20 big cats including cougars at a U.S. wildlife sanctuary By Rebecca Rosman
2024-12-29 How to protect your cats from catching bird flu Health
2025-01-06 US reports first fatal H5N1 infection as avian flu strikes more poultry, cats Lisa Schnirring
Chothe, S. K., Srinivas, S., Misra, S., Nallipogu, N. C., Gilbride, E., LaBella, L., … Kuchipudi, S. V. (2024). Marked neurotropism and potential adaptation of H5N1 clade virus in naturally infected domestic cats. Emerging Microbes & Infections, 14(1).
Below is a trailer for The Electrical Life of Louis Wain. The entire move can be seen at this link.
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