Monday, October 23, 2023

It Will Be A Time Of Civil Chaos And The Collapse Of Civil Collapse Of Our Financial Imposition In 'Tribulation Wealth' The Physical Destruction And The Death Of Multiplied Millions

October 23, 2023

It Will Be A Time Of Civil Chaos And The Collapse Of Civil Collapse Of Our Financial Imposition In 'Tribulation Wealth' The Physical Destruction And The Death Of Multiplied Millions

By Brother Scott and All News Pipeline

The topics that I present weekly are usually developed from the title that the Lord drops into my heart. A few weeks back the term “Tribulation Wealth” just popped up in my mind and I immediately understood what it was to be about—it is this: The world, our country, and our households are sliding more swiftly by the week toward what the Bible calls “great tribulation.” 

It will be a time of civil chaos, the collapse of our financial systems (to include both our income sources and nearly all commerce in our land), an extreme scarcity of the needed things of life, (sadly) the physical destruction and the death of multiplied millions by natural calamities and by wars, and eventually the imposition of the antichrist system of buying, selling, and the demanded worship of false gods. 

These things should not be news to you as many have talked about them for years. In this write-up I earnestly coach you to prepare your household for such things. Personally, I do not doubt that we are in the preceding time of growing “sorrows”, which means what is ahead at some point are 42 months of the greatest trouble that has ever been for all people on the earth. 

The good news is that at the end of these 1260-1335 days—the Lord Jesus Christ returns to the earth to put an end to it all. 

[Referenced: Matthew 24:15-22, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, Revelation 7:13-17] 

You may be wondering that with all this trouble and hardships and dangers how the concept of wealth for the common person (especially the hated Christian) can be planned for and prepared for [for] use during the tribulation! With believers in Jesus Christ being shut-out of whatever buying and selling that might be going on—what good is wealth? Well, the answer is that we must first redefine what wealth is during that time of great trouble. Tribulation wealth will not be in the traditional dollars or diamonds, or huge estates, or even a vault containing envious amounts of precious metals, although gold and silver will be useful, if one has any in the smaller denominations. Consider this as to how tribulation wealth will be defined during the near-future years of the dearth of nearly all things—everything except the air that we breathe: 

Wealth: Anything that has utility and is capable of being appropriated or exchanged. Anything owned that has value to its owner or to others that are in need of that thing. Having accumulated something in terms of real goods or skills that are of value. Something possessed by one person that is needed for sustenance during hard times and that is also useful to others. 

Barter: To trade by exchange of commodities or services rather than by the use of traditional money. The act or practice of trading goods or services for other goods or services. 

[Referenced: 2 Corinthians 8:7 & 11-15, Philippians 2:3-4]

ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it." But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." 

Let me go over some examples of things that will be of value to you and to others during great trouble when there is no money and or we as Christians are expelled from society. Of things that are skills: 

- Medical training and experience and having the basic supplies and equipment to help others (nursing, doctors, dentists, therapists) 

- Skills and supplies to make or repair clothes, and other sewing needs 

- Building skills—the ability and experience to build, expand, or repair basic shelters and having the tools and materials to do so 

- Domestic farm animal and household pet-care experience 

- How to dress a meat-animal for food (chickens, goats, cattle, foul, etc.) 

- Security force and defense services; knowing how to use firearms, other defensive techniques, useful military training and experience 

- Gas or diesel engine mechanic skills with the tools to do simple repairs 

- Having the means to grow and prescribe herbs for health reasons 

- Large-group food preparation experience (prepping, cooking, clean-up) 

- Camping skills and experience instruction (campfire, cold-weather, security) 

- Barbers, gardeners, wood choppers, knife sharpeners, gunsmiths, butchers, numismatic specialist, K-12 teachers, experienced child care, mid-wives, canning/jerkying/dehydrating food, etc. 

For people that can do these kinds of things (and others not mentioned) [they] are parts of one’s wealth in a broken society. Whether trading for other things of value or provided with a charitable heart to the poor, if you have such skills prepare as much as you can right now to offer them when the time comes. 

Of things that are possessions or tradable assets of value in a barter system: 

- Small denominated gold and silver coinage, other hard and needed assets 

- Laying chickens, portable incubator to hatch more chickens 

- Cows and goats for milk, excess stock for meat 

- Farm equipment for services to others 

- Having the means to provide modest electric power by existing solar, wind, or man-powered generator equipment 

- Having access to potable water via a well or other water purification means 

- Ground coffee, large supplies of salt and sugar, large supply of aspirin, allergy or sleep aids, access to lots of firewood, a well-stocked seed vault

By now you should have a good idea about what I am speaking to under the caption “tribulation wealth” and might have already done a quick survey of your life. If you’ve recognized skills, possessions or assets that you now have that can help you and others in times of great need, I urge you to further develop those things (check your tools and equipment, upgrade some things, add more to your supplies, etc.). If you do not have anything to offer, then think about a significant need that will arise that you can fill and do what you can do now to be ready to serve in that way. 

How does one use his or her tribulation wealth—things heretofore described? 

Three suggestions: 

- Trade it for something else that one needs but cannot otherwise get 

- Exchange a physical possession for someone’s service or work (bring firewood or water, dig a hole, fix a shelter, deliver a meal, plow for a garden) or vice versa 

- Give it away as you would a cup of water in Jesus’ name 

[Referenced: Luke 6:38, Mark 9:41, Proverbs 3:27-28 / (Ja. 2:15-16), 1 Corinthians 13:1 & 3] 

With tribulation wealth in mind—recommendations and what to do quickly: 

- If you have the professional training or a specialty skill, acquire the tools and equipment needed to do that work or service (barber, seamstress, cook, wood-cutter, builder, etc.); perhaps pickup up-to-date manuals 

- Add to your needed things a back-up of all critical tools, equipment or supplies (Prepper’s motto: 2=1, 1=0) and refresh or upgrade your training 

- In the case of needing to evacuate your home, have your tools, equipment and other supplies assembled in a BOT (bug-out-tub or suitcase or crate). 

Now I’ve said a lot today that I know was hard to keep up with. But all you need to remember and act on are these questions to ask yourself: What skills do I have or what can I do that will be useful when serious trouble or especially when great tribulation begins—what do I have to offer? What 1 or 2 things can I provide that will help others and perhaps be a source of return-provision for me and my loved ones? Without money, what can I do or have that will be tradable for other things that I might need for me and mine? 

After answering these questions then prepare now for what you can do; have things ready for that day when money fails, stores close, chaos and danger reigns in our land, and might even you end up in a small refugee camp somewhere in the mountains where the things that you are prepared to do will provide a blessing to others and maybe even some form of useful payback for you. And do keep this in mind: 

As followers of Jesus, our first intention should be to help where we can with what we have—no matter if we are compensated by trade or barter or not. Your trusting the Lord, Jehovah Jireh (the Lord will see to it), during the worst of all times to be alive is the absolute key to having what you truly need day-by-day. 

1 Timothy 6:17: Charge them that are rich (have wealth) in this world, that they be not high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; 18 That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate (share); 19 Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life. 

Colossians 3:23: And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; 24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.

With the "Right Word"......Brother Scott

ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: ‘Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable!’ Those are some of the exact words used by Google’s censors, aka 'Orwellian content police,' in describing many of our controversial stories. Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP. 

 So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations
are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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Checks or money orders made payable to Stefan Stanford or Susan Duclos can be sent to:

P.O. Box 575

McHenry, MD. 21541


Saturday, January 07, 2023

Stories Of America's Descent Into Madness Surround Us And Are Directly Tied To Democrat Politics - 'The Purge Law' Begins As Left Creates A 'Criminal's Paradise' That 'Jeopardizes Everyone'

January 3, 2023 

Stories Of America's Descent Into Madness Surround Us And Are Directly Tied To Democrat Politics - 'The Purge Law' Begins As Left Creates A 'Criminal's Paradise' That 'Jeopardizes Everyone' 

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

The story over at the Daily Mail a few days ago was heartbreaking but speaks volumes about America's rapid descent into insanity. Reporting a 10-year-old Milwaukee boy has been taken into custody after killing his mother for refusing to buy him an Oculus virtual reality headset that would have cost about $500, the child actually asked the judge in his case to lower his bond from $50,000 to $100, the amount he had in his piggy bank, so he could get out of jail. 

With the young child asking family members to make sure his electrical gadgets were all stored nicely away so when he got out, they'd be there for him to play with, the boy, who, according to family members has 'rage issues' and hears imaginary people, might not even have been held in prison if he'd murdered his own mother in the state of Illinois. With a new law just going into effect there on January 1st that critics have dubbed 'The Purge Law,' as was reported in this new story over at The Sun, as they warn, "THE PURGE BEGINS - US braces for crime wave as ‘Purge’ law comes into effect giving criminals two-day head start before cops can hunt them." 

Reporting also that critics are enraged that violent criminals will just be put back on to the streets to commit more crimes against 'the innocent,' another person who'd love to live in the state of Illinois right now would be 'Nikki Secondino' of New York, a 22-year-old 'transgender,' who just beat her very religious dad to death with a hammer, also stabbing its' younger sister, leaving her in critical condition, 

With this story over at The Sun reporting 'Nikki' told law enforcement it just 'wanted them dead,' those three stories are just the tip of the iceberg showing America's rapid descent into insanity, but none of us should be the least bit surprised because this is what happens when a society moves away from 'the truth' to push its' lies, mental illnesses in huge numbers.

And one more story that recently came out showing us a direct link between this insanity and the White House is this story over at the Daily Mail reporting a controversial trans influencer who was invited to the White House by Joe Biden showed off a bruised and scarred face after having 'feminization surgery'

Reporting that this Biden-tied influencer had gone through an operation that saw facial bones not only sanded down but cut off as well in an attempt to make 'it' look more like a woman, no wonder America has fallen off the deep end with that kind of abusive behavior towards one's own body and self now  considered 'normal' by the White House, with Biden even vowing to protect 'gender-affirming care.' 

So with 'Adam' and 'Eve' sure to disagree vehemently with the current administration policies and their ever-growing list of 'pronouns' such as ce, co, cy, ey and even ve, we see in that little push by the left alone why huge parts of America need to be in a mental hospital, with a man a man, and a woman a woman, no matter what 've' and Biden might think. 

And just think! They're pushing this insanity upon America's children now, too, who are far too young to decide if they want to have facial bones sanded down or body parts cut off, but are now being read stories by drag queens. Talk about total insanity in America. No wonder 10-year-old children are blowing away their parents for refusing to buy them 'toys' that will take them to other 'realities' because this world we live in is far from 'reality,' with kids and adults being fed an endless stream of lies. 

So before we continue, let's take a look at this story over at The Sun that shows us a leftists dream come true and gives us a good taste of where America is headed if Democrats get their way. Reporting on 'the purge law' that will allow judges to release criminals back onto the streets to commit more crimes, it's not too difficult to imagine such laws coming to states near us and re-emphasizes the importance of the 2nd Amendment and our God-given rights to defend ourselves should such madness come our way. 

CONTROVERSIAL new legislation branded "the Purge Law" by critics has gone into effect in Illinois, sparking fears that violent criminals will be put back into the streets. 

The SAFE-T Act includes a state-wide end to cash bail and a provision that prevents cops from searching for missing offenders until 48 hours after they're in violation.

The Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Equity-Today was passed in 2022 and put into effect on January 1, making Illinois the first state in the country to completely eliminate cash bail. 

This means pretrial detainees charged with crimes as serious as second-degree murder, aggravated battery and arson could now be released without a cash bond

The act made headlines when online critics compared it to The Purge movie where all crime becomes legal for one day a year. 

The law has mostly been rejected by the state's law enforcement community, with 100 of Illinois' 102 county prosecutors opposing it. 

It has also been slammed by the families of victims of violent crime, including Joy Dobbs, whose son Dakotah Earley, 23, was nearly killed in May when he was shot during a robbery. 

Dobbs told The U.S. Sun the law will "create a criminal's paradise" and "jeopardizes everyone." 

And with that story also reporting that Illinois appears to be leading a national trend towards the reduction or removal of cash bails giving us another sign where America is headed in the days and years ahead, we shouldn't be the least bit surprised that the 'criminal-crats' are creating a 'criminal's paradise' that 'jeopardizes everyone' in these crazy days were living in. 

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running an EMERGENCY fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

With the National Post recently putting out this story reporting the COVID lockdowns 'messed with our brains,' increasing depression and anxiety in people all over the place, with another story reporting teen suicides have jumped between 12% and 18% in recent months, just imagine being a kid growing up in this insane day and age we're now living in, being fed lies and propaganda one can see are not 'truth.'

And while this new poll over at Rasmussen Reports reporting nearly half of Americans think COVID-19 vaccines may be to blame for many unexplained deaths, and more than a quarter say someone they know could be among the victims shows us that despite the non-stop lies and propaganda we're being fed about the 'vax,' a good portion of America is 'awakening,' that still means about half of America is totally clueless to what is going on, and will keep lining up for what could be their 'death injection.' 

So with the CDC sure to strongly object to my choice of words above, death injection, with them now getting into the 'policing of words' as Dr. Robert Malone warned in this substack entry titled "CDC Principles to Avoid Wrong-Speak - Our tax dollars at work," with the CDC actually putting out this story on their website titled "Preferred Terms for Select Population Groups & Communities," we see in this excellent entry from Zero Hedge via The American Thinker a story titled "Excerpts For The Democrat-To-English Dictionary: Updated For 2023."

Helping explain why so many on the left, and those who get their news from the mainstream media, are so out of touch with reality, the 'definitions' of every day words in the minds of the left shows us exactly why so many don't have a clue what's going on, actually believing anyone who doesn't believe exactly as they do to be 'white supremacists' or 'bigots' or even 'terrorists'. From that 'Democrat to English Dictionary' story.: 

Ableism: the idea that ability, competence, achievement, and merit are somehow better than their opposites. A disgusting remnant of a White, patriarchal society that must be eviscerated with all due haste. 

Bigotry: opposition to any belief or opinion held by a “progressive.”

Conservatism: an existential threat to our democracy, practiced by bad people. Must not be tolerated. 

Dr. Fauci: a God-like figure who actually exists, and selflessly serves humanity in the blessed name of “science.” Hallowed be His name and peace be upon Him forever and ever. Amen. 

Extremist: someone who disagrees with a Democrat. 

Far-right: this term is rightfully applied to any individuals or groups who oppose Democratic/woke policies and talking points. 

Fascist: someone who disagrees with a Democrat. 

Heterosexual: a boring, old, unhip, and often intolerant group of individuals that cling to outmoded ideas of sexual relationships and complementarity. 

Illegal aliens (more properly called “undocumented immigrant”): downtrodden and oppressed, these people must be allowed free access into our country and the freedom to go wherever they like, in any quantity, without restraint. They bring much needed diversity and skill sets to our land.

Justice: when Democrats prevail. (Antonym, injustice: when conservatives prevail.) 

Man: though there is no currently agreed on definition for this amorphous term, all can agree that testosterone-fueled toxic masculinity — and the patriarchy — are very bad things indeed. 

Mentally-challenged individual: someone who disagrees with a Democrat. 

Misinformation: any report, data, or information, regardless of veracity and legitimacy, that does not confirm/affirm Democrats’ talking points and advance their agenda.

Uniparty: used to describe the bipartisanship and unity to which we all aspire. Achieved when Republicans cave to our demands. (Which, fortunately, is nearly always.) 

Woman: there is no currently agreed on definition for this amorphous term.

So while the previously mentioned Rasmussen Reports poll shows that Americans are awakening to the vaxxes causing a mysterious slew of deaths as heard in the 1st video below, as we hear in the 2nd video "America Unhinged," that still means we'll continue to see these people 'dying suddenly' all across the country in the year ahead, with 50% or so of the country still completely clueless, sure to continue lining up for their next 'injection.' Because as Dr. Robert Malone warns us in the final video below, there's a massive psy-op upon the American people still ongoing as the genocidal globalists attempt to control our minds. No wonder so many people in  America have fallen off the deep end. 

ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


One time donations or monthly, via Paypal or Credit Card:

Donate Via Snail Mail

Checks or money orders made payable to Stefan Stanford or Susan Duclos can be sent to:

P.O. Box 575

McHenry, MD. 21541

With The 'Uniparty' And US Intelligence Agencies Declaring War Upon The American People, There Is No 'Rule Of Law' In America Until These Treasonists Have ALL Been 'Hung High'

January 2, 2023 

With The 'Uniparty' And US Intelligence Agencies Declaring War Upon The American People, There Is No 'Rule Of Law' In America Until These Treasonists Have ALL Been 'Hung High'

By Richard McDonough of the Blue State Conservative for All News Pipeline

Many in our “news” media (aka the Democrat Party Propaganda Unit) were thrilled when Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and other members of the Republican Party like Liz Cheney, criticized Donald Trump, for example, when, upon the publication of the recommendations of the transparently partisan and politically motivated Jan. 6th Committee, McConnell said that “the entire nation knows who is responsible for [the Jan. 6, 2021Capitol riots].” 

Since McConnell did not mention anyone by name and since it is now verified that Nancy Pelosi knew about the threat of violence on Jan. 6th but refused the National Guard troops Trump offered, one can only assume that McConnell must mean that Pelosi is responsible for the riot. Only kidding! McConnell would never criticize his fellow “Uni-party” Democrat Party BFF’s in that way. McConnell reserves his ire for the only Republican to have won the presidency in the past 13 years (the one virtually nobody said he could win in 2016) and his supporters. McConnell plainly means that the entire nation knows that Trump is “responsible” for the riot on Jan. 6th. 

In fact, that claim is transparently false. To take one significant example, the distinguished George Washington University professor of constitutional law, Jonathan Turley, a self-described liberal Obama voter, finds that the Jan’ 6th Committee’s legal case against Trump is extremely weak. 

In fact, since Turley actually knows something, in contrast with the plethora of partisan talking-heads paraded daily across our television screens singing from the same hymnal, and since Turley has somehow, in our petty partisan age, managed to retain his integrity, anyone who actually wants to discern the truth on controversial political issues should always consult Turley’s legal opinion on the relevant factual and legal issues of the day to check their own opinions. One must, therefore, wonder why McConnell is so eager to make transparently false statements to smear his Party’s last successful presidential candidate. It makes one wonder whose side McConnell is really on.

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running an EMERGENCY fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

It is, further, a bit surprising that Democrats and the media are so moved by McConnell’s claim because they normally detest him. In fact, the “news” media decides which of McConnell’s assertions to celebrate depending on whether they support their Democrat Party narrative or not – or, putting the same point a bit differently, the media’s decision whether to celebrate McConnell’s claims or not is entirely unprincipled. 

In fact, McConnell’s recent decision to support the irresponsible partisan Democrat omnibus spending bill that is nothing more than a left-wing wish list, including, …, provides less than admirable explanation why McConnell might criticize Trump. Since McConnell, and many of the usual suspects in the Republican Party, Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, etc., were not willing to demand that the Senate wait just two weeks for the Republican House to be seated in order to give Republicans some leverage in negotiating a more responsible spending bill, for example, to force Biden to control the southern border, one must consider the possibility that these so-called Republicans are not what they purport to be but are actually members of a greedy bipartisan anti-American globalist party. In that case McConnell’s implied, and frankly silly, claim about what “the entire Nation knows” about the Jan. 6 riots may reflect the fact that he is a closet greedy anti-American of the bipartisan globalist Uni-party whose members are happy to sell the United States down the river in exchange for their personal wealth and power. 

If, therefore, what passes for our “news” media wish to be fair and determine the actual truth of the matter as opposed to protecting Democrats, then they must decide whether McConnell is correct that Trump led an insurrection on Jan. 6th 2020 to overthrow the US government by explicitly telling the protestors to “go peacefully to the Capitol to make your voices heard” or whether the Jan. 6th Committee is just the latest installment of a never-ending conspiracy, literally beginning with the Washington Post’s announcement a few minutes after Trump was inaugurated in Jan. 2017 that the effort to impeach Trump had begun, to the Russia collusion hoax paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC, the Lafayette Park photo-op hoax, the Russian bounties on American troops hoax, the fact that courts in battleground states made unconstitutional changes to the voting laws to help Biden, the massive campaigns by Twitter and other social media companies, cooperating our “intelligence agencies,” exposed by Elon Musk, to censor the free speech of Americans in order to deny the 2020 election to the only person who has stood up to the anti-American globalists, namely, Donald Trump. 

If the former hypothesis is true then Trump did some very bad things on Jan. 6, 2022, but if the latter hypothesis is true then Trump is a hero who is enduring what no candidate for office should need to endure for the mere sin of running against a globalist “establishment” in both parties that has become thoroughly corrupted. If the latter is true, then McConnell and his Democrat and Republican allies are the real villains. Which of these hypotheses is true? 

The Democrat-media collusion team seems to know which of them is true, namely that Trump led an insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021. Unfortunately, these “journalists” have not investigated both alternatives. Don Lemon’s comical claim that deciding the truth should be left to Lilliputian “journalists” like himself just won’t cut it, at least not for adults. Further, the Jan. 6 Committee was set up in violation of House rules composed entirely of “never-Trumpers” with no opportunity for cross examination of “witnesses,” some of whose testimony appeared to fall apart. 

The committee announced in advance its conclusion that Trump led an insurrection. Wasn’t that supposed to be announced at the end of the “investigation” after they actually examine the evidence? And just recently, the committee made clear that its aim is political, namely to prevent Trump from running for office again. Isn’t that supposed to be left up to “the people” in elections? Isn’t using the legal process to defeat political enemies the sort of thing they do in banana Republic’s or in the Soviet Union? Is that constitutional?

In order to determine which alternative hypothesis is correct one will need to do “investigations” of Dinesh D’Souza’s hypothesis that (more than) 2000 “mules” where recruited by Democrats to stuff ballot boxes, Mollie Hemingway’s claim in Rigged that Mark Zuckerberg paid large amounts of money to plant Democrat operatives in ballot counting centers in key swing states, Dick Morris’ claim that the election was rigged by widespread media suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story, and the question who organized the 51 former intelligence officers that signed a letter just before the 2022 election claiming falsely that the Hunter Biden laptop is “Russian disinformation” and so on. One presumes that the Democrat-media colluders know what an investigation is because they feel entitled to investigate anything Trump but never seem interested in any investigation of Democrats. What are they are afraid of?

Until such investigations have been completed what passes for our “journalists” cannot claim to know whether Trump is guilty or whether he has been framed by a bipartisan team of unscrupulous power-intoxicated individuals. It’s called “fairness”. One actually has to consider both sides of the argument. Imagine that! Perhaps, some of what remains of the journalistic profession have encountered the concept somewhere along the way. Perhaps not. 

Which is it? Is Trump a dangerous insurrectionist or was he targeted by power-hungry establishment elites in both parties, typified by Sen. Mitch McConnell, because he is the first president with the courage to stand up to them, rather than cashing in like most?

Mark Twain did not, for nothing, say that “There is no distinctly American criminal class except congress.”

ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


One time donations or monthly, via Paypal or Credit Card:

Checks or money orders made payable to Stefan Stanford or Susan Duclos can be sent to:

P.O. Box 575

McHenry, MD. 21541