Sunday, December 18, 2016

This Is How They Could Bring The Whole Thing Crashing Down! White House Goes Batsh*t Crazy, Blames Hillary's Emails And Election Loss On The Mainstream Media As War Upon Truth Reaches Final Stages

By Stefan Stanford - All News PipeLine

With parts of the completely-controlled mainstream media being brought on to assist the globalists and Facebook to 'label' what is 'fake' news and what is 'real' news, the very short 2 minute 40 second video directly below PROVES to all of us beyond a doubt EXACTLY which media outlets are completely controlled.

Whether ABC or CBS or NBC or CNN or MSNBC, mainstream media long ago went the way of China and official government censorship, selling their souls to the devil while committing very real treason against the American people. And as we see in this short video clip, there is NO 'independence' in the corporate controlled media - they all have one script and one purpose from one ruling power. How far does this brainwashing go?

First, if you haven't seen it yet, let's take a look at this video that came out last Christmas season and should be fatal to the MSM and their claims of being 'independent'. Much more below including a look at more evidence that has emerged in the last few days that one day soon, we may wake up and find that, the Drudge Report, Infowars, Zero Hedge, SHTFPlan and all of our other favorite INDEPENDENT news media outlets are no longer online.

We also take a look below at a new video proving the White House has gone insane as they actually blame the MSM for Hillary's emails and Hillary losing the election, calling some of the MSM an 'intelligence arm of the Russians'. As the Fox news host tells us, what we're seeing coming from the WH is absolutely pathetic. And as Julian Assange tells Sean Hannity in the final video below, Assange's first interview in a very long time, the 'mainstream news media' has become increasingly unimportant with the rise of independent news outlets as it becomes more evident that independent and truthful news has put the MSM and the globalists in a very bad position.

"It's really OK... they can admit it... they can admit they sold their souls to satan while defecating all over the American people..."

With the video above proving beyond a shadow-of-a-doubt that all of the mainstream media has one 'master' and they all use the same talking points, damn the American people and the truth, we take a look at all of the emerging evidence that has come out over the last few days that the globalists (who long ago took over American media) are preparing to shut down the 'real media', the completely independent media, what many call 'alternative news'. In their sudden desperation to complete their overthrow of our country before Donald Trump gets into office, will such globalist insanity lead to civil war as Mike Adams reports in this new story at Natural News? If so, it's clear the sides are being drawn.

As Infowars recently reported, the US Senate has actually voted to legitimize CIA propaganda while providing them with ways to combat 'the real media' that we get every day from most 'independent' news outlets. Barrelling headfirst into totalitarianism and tyranny with government controlled news the only news 'allowed', it's so easy to see that our government and so-called leaders are quickly attempting to take us the way of China and total censorship.

 According to the new story from Reuters, China has been 'taking action' against thousands of websites for what they call 'harmful' or 'obscene' content. Either 'shutting down' or 'dealing with' thousands of websites since April, more than 3 million 'harmful posts' have been deleted since then and 2,500 websites 'prosecuted' in a drive to 'purify' the internet in China. Tightenting its grip upon cyber space, the state of China has a 0 tolerance policy and as Reuters reports, 2 news websites have been among those that have been shut down.

As DW recently asked, is the outright criminalization of 'fake news' the way to go? If so, who gets to determine what is 'fake news' from what is 'real news'? For example, should Barack Obama be able to call a recent news report released by Sheriff Joe Arpaio that Obama's birth certificate is FAKE 'FAKE news'? You be the judge of that one in the next video below. Should Hillary Clinton be allowed to say that Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard's recent STOP ARMING TERRORISTS bill in Congress is 'fake news'? REMEMBER! The wacky left-wing website Snopes is running 'cover up' on the US government selling weapons to terrorists but now, Facebook wants to use Snopes for 'fact checking'! Should Americans allow those who are completely corrupt, such as Snopes which is run by the CIA according to Wayne Madsen, determine truth from falsehood?

Read the rest at All News PipeLine

Friday, December 16, 2016

Lawmaker: Russian Hacking Meme A 'Whole House of Cards' - CIA Trying To Overturn Trump Election As Obama Admin 'Carrying Out A Disinformation Campaign'

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

- While The Obama Administration Refuses To Brief Congress On Claim Of Russian Interference, Obama's DHS Busted Attempting To Hack Election Databases

As Barack Obama is busy making a big deal about 'retaliation' against Russia for supposedly hacking the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign, during the election season, with the MSM, using unnamed "U.S. official sources" pushing Washington's propaganda, while the FBI and other intelligence agencies question their claims, we note that the Department of Homeland Security has been caught red-handed attempting to hack into Georgia's election database 10 seperate times, as well as West Virginia and Kentucky's.

Barack Obama is once again using his patsies in the mainstream media to push his anti-Russia propaganda, with claims that Russian hackers were behind the Wikileaks leaked emails from the DNC and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, something the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange just revealed as completely false in an interview with Sean Hannity, saying the information given to Wikileaks did not come from any "state party," and definitely not from Russia.

Considering the conflicting accounts from the CIA and the FBI, it is no wonder that the House Intelligence Committee, which is charged with congressional "oversight of the United States Intelligence Community," wants to find out more about what the MSM and Obama are claiming about Russian interference, yet the Obama administration is refusing to brief the House intelligence committee.

House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nune issued a statement on the refusal, saying "It is unacceptable that the Intelligence Community directors would not fulfill the House Intelligence Committee’s request to be briefed tomorrow on the cyber-attacks that occurred during the presidential campaign. The legislative branch is constitutionally vested with oversight responsibility of executive branch agencies, which are obligated to comply with our requests. The Committee is vigorously looking into reports of cyber-attacks during the election campaign, and in particular we want to clarify press reports that the CIA has a new assessment that it has not shared with us. The Committee is deeply concerned that intransigence in sharing intelligence with Congress can enable the manipulation of intelligence for political purposes. The Committee will continue its efforts and will insist that we receive all the necessary cooperation from the relevant leaders of the Intelligence Community."

Nune is not the only member of congress  infuriated by Obama's "disinformation campaign" as Representative Peter King, another member of the intel committee, told Fox News that the CIA's refusal to brief congress not only "violates all protocols," but that it appears "as if "people in the intelligence community are carrying out a disinformation campaign against the president-elect of the United States."

In the interview below, King tells Fox News that the CIA is purposely trying to overturn Trump's election.

If the CIA had any "proof" of intent, they would be able to brief Congress, but their refusal, according to King, indicates the entire Russian interference meme could be nothing more than " a whole house of cards."

This leaves us wondering if there is more than just an Obama disinformation campaign being perpetuated against the American people, and if the Obama administration is deliberately attempt to distract the public from the bombshell that Georgia Secretary of State, Brian Kemp, dropped last week when he publicly revealed that the Obama's Department of homeland Security conducted 10 separate cyberattacks on their election database.

The Georgia Secretary of State's Office now confirms 10 separate cyberattacks on its network were all traced back to U.S. Department of Homeland Security addresses.

In an exclusive interview, a visibly frustrated Secretary of State Brian Kemp confirmed the attacks of different levels on his agency's network over the last 10 months. He says they all traced back to DHS internet provider addresses.

It was also confirmed yesterday that both West Virginia and Kentucky were attacked by DHS IP addresses as well, as reported by WSB TV in Atlanta.


While Barack Obama is attempting to distract the nation with claims of "Russian interference," which his administration cannot even provide the House Intel Committee with proof of, the politicized DHS has been caught red-handed trying to hack into at least three states election databases.

That is what the should be investigated by Congress because the leaked emails sent to Wikileaks came from within, and there is every indication that Russia wasn't the ones who tried to "hack" the election, but the Obama administration unsuccessfully tried to hack it and when that did not work, they moved on to plan B,  which is an attempt to overturn the results.

Friday, December 09, 2016

ANP Hot News.....Around the Web - 'The Purge' We've Long Been Warned About Has Begun!

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine 


Sheriff David Clarke Destroys The Mainstream Media As Orwellian 'Operation Censorship' Kicks Into Overdrive - 'The Purge' We've Long Been Warned About Has Begun!

 YouTube Allows Channel 'Queer Kid Stuff' To Brainwash & Indoctrinate Children Into A Gay Lifestyle

Something Very Strange Is Going On In Antarctica - Reports 'Operation Deep Freeze' Has Been Ongoing For 60 Years!

Shocking Pictures And Videos Show America's Possible Future - But One Shouldn't Have To See These Photos To Want To Avoid This Fate - WARNING: GRAPHIC

Bigger And Uglier Than PizzaGate (Pedo-Gate) - The Real Number Of Child Victims Will Shock You


Satanic Display Causes Controversy In Boca Raton
Duke Approves ‘Safe Space’ for Illegal Immigrants

U.S. Electoral College Schedule

Georgia’s Sec Of State: DHS Tried To Breach Our Firewall

Clinton Finally Settles On Reason For Loss: Fake News

WAPO Appends "Russian Propaganda Fake News" Story

Denzel Washington Slams MSM For Peddling 'BS'

Black Employees Sue CNN

The Collapse Of The Political Left

Federal Judge Kills Recount Effort In Michigan

70-Mile-Long Crack Opens Up in Anatarctica

This Is the Purge We All Knew Was Coming

Trump Formally Announces Gen. Mattis for Sec of Defense

TIME Person Of The Year - Donald Trump

Ditching Electoral College Would Allow CA To Rule

SoftBank CEO Tells Trump He'll Invest $50 Billion in Startups

GOP Readies Cuts to Federal Workforce Under Trump