Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Syria: What about the children?

This is 4 year old Hudea who lives in the Atmeh refugee camp in Syria.Her picture has gone viral on social media the last few days. The photo was taken by Turkish photographer Osman Sağırlı in 2014. 

From the BBC:

 The photographer who broke the internet's heart

31 March 2015

Thousands online have shared an image of a Syrian child with her hands raised in surrender - but what is the story behind it?

Those sharing it were moved by the fear in the child's eyes, as she seems to staring into the barrel of a gun. It wasn't a gun, of course, but a camera, and the moment was captured for all to see. But who took the picture and what is the story behind it? BBC Trending have tracked down the original photographer - Osman Sağırlı - and asked him how the image came to be.

It began to go viral Tuesday last week, when it was tweeted by Nadia Abu Shaban, a photojournalist based in Gaza. The image quickly spread across the social network. "I'm actually weeping", "unbelievably sad", and "humanity failed", the comments read. The original post has been retweeted more than 11,000 times. On Friday the image was shared on Reddit, prompting another outpouring of emotion. It's received more than 5,000 upvotes, and 1,600 comments.

Accusations that the photo was fake, or staged, soon followed on both networks. Many on Twitter asked who had taken the photo, and why it had been posted without credit. Abu Shaban confirmed she had not taken the photo herself, but could not explain who had. On Imgur, an image sharing website, one user traced the photograph back to a newspaper clipping, claiming it was real, but taken "around 2012", and that the child was actually a boy. The post also named a Turkish photojournalist, Osman Sağırlı, as the man who took the picture.

BBC Trending spoke to Sağırlı - now working in Tanzania - to confirm the origins of the picture. The child is in fact not a boy, but a four-year-old girl, Hudea. The image was taken at the Atmeh refugee camp in Syria, in December last year. She travelled to the camp - around 10 km from the Turkish border - with her mother and two siblings. It is some 150 km from their home in Hama.

"I was using a telephoto lens, and she thought it was a weapon," says Sağırlı. "İ realised she was terrified after I took it, and looked at the picture, because she bit her lips and raised her hands. Normally kids run away, hide their faces or smile when they see a camera." He says he finds pictures of children in the camps particularly revealing. "You know there are displaced people in the camps. It makes more sense to see what they have suffered not through adults, but through children. It is the children who reflect the feelings with their innocence." [emphasis mine]

The image was first published in the Türkiye newspaper in January, where Sağırlı has worked for 25 years, covering war and natural disasters outside the country. It was widely shared by Turkish speaking social media users at the time. But it took a few months before it went viral in the English-speaking world, finding an audience in the West over the last week.

As Canada's politicians vote on extending their anti-ISIS mission to include bombing over Syria, and Syria's murdering despot Bashir al Assad - who famously ignored Obama's imaginary  red line -  takes time out to do a 'rehabilitative'  interview with 60 Minutes, many MANY girls like Hudea go unknown by the politicians.  Over the last four years hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians (including many Hudeas) have been slaughtered by Assad, and the world has stood on the sidelines wagging their ineffectual stern fingers and making meaningless pronouncements.  

Now, NOW, while the fat cat diplomats and politicians gather to make sweeping public policies,   I can only think about all the little Hudea's whose daily lives continue to be  a hell of terror and survival, if they are 'lucky.'

We, the world community,  should hang our heads in shame.  We should.

Pray for Hudea.  Pray for ALL the Hudea's around the world...

[Related - Yes! It is:The missing girls of Nigeria  ]

Monday, March 23, 2015

'One Nation Under Allah' - School Pledge Of Allegiance In Arabic Leaves Out God And Infuriates US Veterans, Students And Parents As School Issues Apology

By Stefan Stanford, via All News PipeLine

A school in New York has been forced to apologize after having students recite the pledge of allegiance in Arabic while leaving out 'God'. Angering countless US Veterans who fought for and won the right for Americans to have the freedom to say the 'Pledge of Allegiance' in English, Pine Brook High School in New York high school succeeded in enraging its' students, parents, US Veterans and now much of the nation for a recent recitement of the 'Pledge' that was done in the Arabic language and substituted 'One Nation Under Allah' for God, prompting a viral outpouring of anger, as shared in the newly released videos below.
The reading of the 'pledge' this week has divided the school and infuriated some parents who took great offense to the events as the school took calls from angry parents who had lost family members overseas as well as Jewish parents, still upset over chronic, anti-semitic behavior at the school back in 2013 that forced them to file a lawsuit in federal court against the school district.

Is it just a coincidence that a school system which failed to stop blatant hatred towards Jews is now pushing the 'Pledge of Allegiance' in Arabic, without God, or is this another sign of the way that this 'new America' is headed?

This is not the 1st time that a school in America has required its' students to recite the pledge in Arabic and replaced 'God' with 'Allah' as shared in the story excerpted below from Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs.

“Thanks to the illegal invasion and the concept of ‘celebrate diversity,’ English is becoming a foreign language in America,” one critic wrote on the local newspaper’s website. 

A writer who claimed to be an American of Arab Christian ancestry said he, too, was offended by what happened. “The Pledge of Allegiance isn’t a ‘salute’ to America,” he wrote. “It’s a promise to be loyal to it. Part of that loyalty should be to learn English and integrating into our culture.” 

Based on the comments made by the student body president, it appears the Arabic recitation was less about celebrating a foreign language and more about stirring up trouble. 

In my most recent book, “God Less America,” I illustrate how the nation’s public schools have been turned into indoctrination centers. Teachers are preaching a liberal ideology. Our schoolhouses have become places where Christianity is marginalized and Islam is given accommodation.
“Thanks to the illegal invasion and the concept of ‘celebrate diversity,’ English is becoming a foreign language in America,” one critic wrote on the local newspaper’s website.
A writer who claimed to be an American of Arab Christian ancestry said he, too, was offended by what happened.
“The Pledge of Allegiance isn’t a ‘salute’ to America,” he wrote. “It’s a promise to be loyal to it. Part of that loyalty should be to learn English and integrating into our culture.”
Based on the comments made by the student body president, it appears the Arabic recitation was less about celebrating a foreign language and more about stirring up trouble.
In my most recent book, “God Less America,” I illustrate how the nation’s public schools have been turned into indoctrination centers. Teachers are preaching a liberal ideology. Our schoolhouses have become places where Christianity is marginalized and Islam is given accommodation.
- See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2015/03/another-public-school-reciting-the-pledge-of-allegiance-in-arabic-one-nation-under-allah.html/#sthash.8bzFVfpg.dpuf
Below from Right Wing News.:

Shockingly–or maybe not so, considering how left-wing our education establishment is–the school’s president of the student assembly and senior class president, Andrew Zink, insisted that saying the pledge in Arabic is “the right thing to do.”
This is what our kids are being taught, folks.
Unsurprisingly, this same school was already mired in a scandal when it allowed rampant anti-Semitism to go about unchecked. The school was even sued for its failure to stop the blatant hate against Jews. And now it is forcing kids to say the Pledge in Arabic? Yeah. Not surprising at all.
THIS is your government schools, folks.
The school in New York isn’t the only one that has forced kids to recite the Pledge in Arabic. Back in 2013 a Fort Collins, Colorado school also became mired in the Pledge in Arabic.

ISIS Releases Names, Addresses Of US Military Pilots - 'Kill Them Wherever You Find Them'

By Susan Duclos, via All News PipeLine

According to a released document by "Islamic State Hacking Division," the names and addresses of 100 US Military pilots were leaked with a call for Muslins in America to "take action," and "kill these kuffar."

NOTE- All News PipeLine has made the decision to show the leaked page below but ANP has redacted the street addresses, state and zip code from the images as to not endanger these pilots' lives any more than the original release has. ANP has also decided NOT to link to sites that are showing these leaked targets with the addresses not redacted for the same reason.

The first image shown below is the ISIS Hacking Division jihadist banner with a message to Muslims which encourages them to target US Military personnel. The last image shown follows the multiple pages of information on the US pilots, then a graphic of a gun and sword with the words "...AND KILL THEM WHEREVER YOU FIND THEM..."

These men and women, along with their families should be moved to safe, undisclosed locations in order to protect them.

Below is an example of the target list leaked by the Islamic State Hacking Division. Should any member of the military not know if their name is on the leaked list, feel free to email support@allnewspipeline.com and we will go through the list and let you know if your name is on it.

The last image shows communications by ISIS members in order to build an IMAM radical database and a newsletter screenshot confirming that ISIS is attempting to hack into personal information of others.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Dollar Dies With A Whimper As Europeans "Defy" America And Back China-Led Bank

By Susan Duclos, via All News PipeLine

The signs have been highlighted over the years, the experts have shouted warnings, but Americans insulated by the MSM with stories of how the dollar is strengthening, the economy is growing again, were the last to be told that the age of the US Dollars dominance across the globe, is at an end.

Historically world reserve currencies have lasted between 80 and 110 years, the US Dollar has held that status for 94 years and one specific event just occurred that put the final nail in the Dollar's coffin as headlines scream "Europeans defy US to join China-led development bank."


Despite the Obama administration's "incompetent, distracted, ham-fisted," attempts to prevent European allies from joining a China-led international development bank, Britain, France, Germany and Italy have all agreed to join, a decision that evidences what Huffington Post calls "America's decline."

Today, that same ally has decided that history has turned a corner. The U.S. can no longer dominate world history. A new power has also arrived. The British, like most other middle powers, have decided to hedge their bets and work with China as well as the U.S. But this is also a matter of survival. If London does not serve the financial and economic interests of a rising China, it could become sidelined in the 21st century. Hence, the British have no choice but to work with China.

Via FT:

The European decisions represent a significant setback for the Obama administration, which has argued that western countries could have more influence over the workings of the new bank if they stayed together on the outside and pushed for higher lending standards.

Tyler Durdin from Zero Hedge concludes "Bottom line: this isn’t theory or conjecture anymore. Every shred of objective evidence suggests that the dollar’s dominance is coming to an end."

On March 10, 2015, ANP published an article titled "The Hour Is Late, The Danger Is Grave - Will Civil Unrest And Martial Law Come To Pass In America?, in which we made the following statement and asked a question:

It is not a matter of if the Dollar loses it's status, but when. Whether it is tomorrow, next month, next year or in the next 5 years (doubtful it will take that long), the dollar will be replaced.

Which brings us to the headlined question of "Will civil unrest and martial law come to pass in America?"

We pointed out that when economies collapse, it is generally followed by social chaos, civil unrest and sometimes a breakdown of law and order, just looking at what is happening in Venezuela now, food shortages, military guarding grocery stores, limits on what people can purchase, riots and protests, gives us a glimpse into our possible future.

It is no longer a question of should Americans prepare, it is now a question of how prepared are they for what is coming?

Black Panthers Call For Killing Cops At SXSW While 'Arming Every Black American' In America

By Stefan Stanford, via All News PipeLine

While we at All News Pipeline are huge supporters of the 2nd Amendment and open carry, we are also huge supporters of law enforcement here in America and in the 1st video below, we see an outrageous display of how NOT to go about making your point as members of the Black Panthers openly call for the killing of cops at the SXSW during an armed march in downtown Austin, Texas.

In an obvious continuation of propaganda funded by George Soros in Ferguson, Missouri, members can be heard shouting, military style: "A pig is a pig that's what I said, the only good pig is a pig that's dead". "Oink! Oink! Bang! Bang!" "Marching down the avenue, 20 more pigs and we'll be through."

Soros, who several years ago warned of violent riots in America, a coming financial collapse and a government crackdown, is a Hungarian born billionaire who was voted 'the most dangerous man in the world' for 'deceiving everybody that he is altruistic when in fact he is using his 'open society/shadow party' to undermine the very fabric of America according to the Human Events newspaper in 2011. He has also been accused of attempting to undermine the 2nd Amendment here in America while sponsoring 'color revolutions' across the world.

In the 2nd video we hear that the New Black Panther party wants to arm every black American so that they will be able to police their own communities, certainly a lofty goal considering the high incidence of black on black crimes in inner-city neighborhoods where thousands of law-abiding families, black and white, NEED protection from the criminal element within their own cities but isn't advocating violence against law enforcement, or anyone else for that matter, a crime and something that we as a society need to quickly move beyond if we are going to have any chance at redemption? With the recent shootings of two police officers by a coward in Ferguson, these chants make us sick.

There Is Something Very Strange About The Vladimir Putin Death Hoax Story

By Susan Duclos, via All News PipeLine

By all accounts the Internet rumor that Russian President Vladimir Putin died is nothing more than a hoax started with a Facebook Page titled "‘R.I.P. Vladimir Putin," which garnered almost 1 million likes when it hit the Internet on Tuesday, March 10, 2015. The 'About' page stated the following:

"At about 11 a.m. ET on Tuesday (March 10, 2015), our beloved politician Vladimir Putin passed away. Vladimir Putin was born on October 7, 1952 in Saint Petersburg. He will be missed but not forgotten. Please show your sympathy and condolences by commenting on and liking this page."

Hundreds of Putin fans left messages, many were rightly skeptical, and while there is nothing strange about death hoaxes, a quick search shows they are a form of amusement for the hoaxsters themselves, what is strange is a recent DEBKAFILE report titled "Unconfirmed Russian Internet rumors that Vladimir Putin is dead " which states that "a short announcement of Putin’s death was seen briefly on Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s website early Thursday, only to be removed after 20 minutes."

Medvedev is the sitting Prime Minister of Russia since 2012 and the former Russian President from 2008 to 2012, yet somehow, two days after the original hoax swept across the internet, his website fell for it long enough to put a death announcement up? With his connections being who he is and what he was, wouldn't he have known on Tuesday when the hoax was created that it was false?

Was his site hacked?

Add to the weirdness, we see a Reuters article, found on a Google search, screenshot below, reported on the postponement of Putin's scheduled visit to Kazakhstan saying "It looks like he has fallen ill," an unnamed source in Kazakhstan’s government told the agency, yet when the Google search link is clicked, it returns an error "Page not found", with "Our apologies, the requested page was not found. Please double-check the URL for proper spelling and capitalization. If you're having trouble finding a page in Reuters."



That was the Reuters UK page, as of right now, the Canada version is still up, found here.

Vladimir Putin has postponed a visit to Kazakhstan, officials from both countries said on Wednesday, though the Kremlin dismissed another report that plans had changed because the Russian president was unwell.

Dauren Abayev, adviser and spokesman for Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, announced the delay of the meeting between the two allies, originally scheduled for this week, without giving a reason or a new date.

Another Kazakh government source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters: "It looks like he (Putin) has fallen ill."

So a day after a Putin Internet death hoax goes viral, a mainstream media outlet reports Vladimir Putin's health was in question, with some of those Reuters articles being removed from the Internet, then two days after the initial hoax, the former president and present Prime Minister of Russia, briefly puts a death announcement up on his official website, then removes it, according to Debka.

As the headline states "There is something very strange about the Vladimir Putin death hoax story."

[UPDATE] Via DEBKA, another update:

The Kremlin Thursday dismissed rumors that President Vladimir Putin was ill after he canceled a trip to Kazakhstan. The rumors flying through the Russian Internet claimed in fact that the 62-year old Russian leader had suddenly died. Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, asked by Reuters if the president, who had not been seen on live TV since March 5, was in good health, replied "yes". "He has meetings all the time," he said by telephone. "He has meetings today, tomorrow. I don't know which ones we will make public." A Kemlin website photo of a Putin meeting on March 10 with a provincial government proved to be an old picture. Still, Russian financial markets were stable and the ruble improved in value.
Why an old picture? Why doesn't Putin just make a public appearance and put an end to the speculation?

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Endgame Is Here! America Surrenders Militarily While Preparing For War Against US Citizens

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

While China, Iran, Russia, and other countries are building up their military strength, utilizing technology that has turned the US military into sitting ducks, flexing their military and nuclear capability might, the US is dismantling their military piece by piece, military leader by military leader, dollar by dollar, along with our nuclear stockpiles, and pouring more and more resources into the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), stockpiling weapons, ammo, trying to federalize the local law enforcement agencies, and declaring American citizens a "greater threat" than terror groups such as ISIS.


Hundreds of military leaders have been removed over the last  6 years, commanding Generals, commanding Admirals, Naval officers, Air Force Majors, Army generals and more... the list is large and can be found over at The Last Great Stand, who has compiled the names in one place.

According to the US Department of State in an April 2014 transparency report, "As of September 2013, the U.S. stockpile of nuclear warheads consisted of 4,804 warheads. This number represents an 85 percent reduction in the stockpile from its maximum (31,255) at the end of fiscal year 1967, and a 78 percent reduction from its level (22,217) when the Berlin Wall fell in late 1989." This includes warhead dismantlement, along with non-strategic nuclear weapons, active and inactive warheads.

In January 2015 it was reported that "reckless" cuts to military spending leaves America "vulnerable."  Within that report by The Observer we see the following statement "Air supremacy in doubt; General unsure US can win a war; 'In a year we will only be able to deploy two carrier groups worldwide, down from three currently, and five just a year ago'."

America has been weakened to the point where in a recent "wargames" (military exercises) a French submarine was able to 'sink" an entire US Aircraft Carrier":

A series of joint naval drills between the United States and France recently didn't quite turn out the way the US, no doubt, expected. The practice scenario ended with the French nuclear submarine that was acting the part of an enemy ship "sinking" the American aircraft carrier and most of its escort.


While the US has been busy surrendering our position of military dominance, cutting defense spending, destroying our nuclear stockpiles and purging the military of top leadership, countries such as China, Russia, Iran and others are busying strengthening theirs.

Russia is acquiring new vessels for their naval strength, developing technology that turns the US military into helpless sitting ducks, flexing their military and nuclear might with warnings from Russian President Vladimir Putin, who states "Thank God, I think no one is thinking of unleashing a large-scale conflict with Russia. I want to remind you that Russia is one of the leading nuclear powers," while making it clear that Russia is preparing for the possibility of nuclear war. Russia is also preparing their population for all out war, as Washington Post reports on March 8, 2015, that "Russia’s anti-American fever goes beyond the Soviet era’s." Russia is also simulating "attack scenarios" on NATO ships.

All this as the US pushes closer and closer to outright war with Russia, sending heavy armor to Baltic States to "deter Russia," which some believe could lead to an eventual, possible military invasion of the US.

Russia's new geopolitical, economic and military best friend, China, is also strengthening their military with recent announcements including the "new DF-31 for multiple warheads," according to a US official, and CNN reports that "China to narrow gap with U.S. by increasing military spending."

It is also being reported that Barack Obama is giving away the farm, so to speak, and has agreed to 80 percent of Iran's nuclear program demands, prompting reports claiming that  Iran is bragging that "America is begging" for a deal and that Iran's new missiles put Israel in range.


With the US basically surrendering economic and military dominance, more and more each year, it is noteworthy to keep in mind the obvious preparations that have been made over the course of the last few years, for outright war against it's own citizens.

As of September 2014, reports showed that 40 percent of "used" US military equipment had been "given" to local and state police departments within the United States as part of the controversial Defense Department’s 1033 program, with quite a few questions raised about whether "local police across America should have access to the same equipment used on battlefields in Afghanistan and Iraq," in what many see as the militarization of local and state law enforcement agencies.

According to Executive Gov, Federal Times and others, while decreasing military spending recklessly, the US is increasing Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding, every year, with Obama having requested an additional $3.7 billion in DHS funding for the 2016 fiscal year. The official claim is the money would go towards "more border agents, fund anti-terrorism efforts and beef up its cyber security programs," but recent reports indicate the additional DHS "targets" are not terror groups, nor preventing illegal immigration. US Gov't agencies has also been stockpiling weapons and ammo.

DHS has labeled "right wing extremists" a greater threat than the terror organization titled ISIS, who behead journalists and aid workers, kill Christians across the global, burned a Jordanian pilot in a cage, then filmed it all and released the videos to the public. In 2013 it was reported that Army training material listed Evangelical Christians, Catholics and some Jews as "religious extremists," alongside "the Ku Klux Klan, Hamas and al-Qaeda."

Perhaps one of the most disturbing, visual examples of the type of "targets" our militarized police are being trained to take out, comes from 2013 reports, where it was revealed that law enforcement  agencies were using actual targets that represented the threat.... of "pregnant women," and "children."



The series contains seven targets in all, titled Pregnant Woman, Older Man 1, Older Man 2, Older Woman, Young Mother, Young Girl, and Little Brother. Each of the depicted subjects is armed.

After declaring targets, militarizing law enforcement agencies, waging propaganda war on Veterans, political opponents, those of religious faith, survivalists, preppers and other American citizens, we have the pièce de résistance with Barack Obama's newest brainstorm as he "Unveils Plan to Further Nationalize Local Police," to create his "National ObamaLaw Plan."

Looking through the aforementioned links, we see a very disturbing pattern of America surrendering across the globe, while preparing for war on US citizens.

That is the endgame.

Monday, March 09, 2015

Wayne Allyn Root: Netanyahu Eviscerates Obama - Plus Full Video Of Netanyahu Congress Address

By Susan Duclos, via All News PipeLine

In the first video below Wayne Allyn Root, who is a American politician, entrepreneur, television and radio personality, author, television producer and political commentator and also graduated in the same Columbia University class as Barack Obama, gives an excellent analysis of the recent address to Congress by Israel PM Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu, where Root not only provides his insight into how Netanyahu "eviscerates Obama" but to Obama himself, whom he calls "the ultimate Communist, Marxist and socialist." Root also provides his harsh criticism of the Republican Party of today which he asserts is made up of "spineless, cowardly wimps."

Root picks apart Obama's relentless attack on America,  from foreign policy to the economy while highlighting how he is deliberately overwhelming the American people, keeping them off balance and behind the 8 ball while systematically destroying the country.

Root points out that while the American people are being kept so overwhelmed to fight back and the Republicans in congress too scared, the one person that does no how to fight back is Netanyahu.

While we have heard a variety of criticisms of Netanyahu's adress, as well as those hailing it as spectacular, all dependent on the individuals ideology and mindset, Root's analysis is a must hear.

In the second video Dennis Miller joins Bill O'Reilly to provide his ascerbic political take on Netanyahu's comments which are spot on as well as entertaining.

Netanyahu's full address to congress can be seen in the third video below as well as his comments at a small reception in the Rayburn Room of the Capitol after his address in the final video.